
Follie Friday

I'll make this post brief since I'm sure my post on Monday will be filled with more info. I had my E2 blood draw and monitoring ultrasound this morning. When the super sweet sonographer began my ultrasound, she handed me a clipboard to write down my follicle sizes just like she has my previous 3 monitoring appointments for this cycle. This was the first day I actually had anything to write down for this cycle! All glory goes to God. I had FOUR follicles over 10mm this morning! They aren't quite big enough for an IUI, so I will continue my 150IU of Follistim injections over the weekend. I go back to NFC on Monday morning for another E2 blood draw and ultrasound. I'm fully trusting and believing we will see pretty, mature, perfect follicles on Monday so we can have our IUI next week! 

This morning I felt completely saturated in God's peace. Our prayer for the past few months has been for God to take full control of our situation. I have told my husband before that I almost feel like I am only participating in this journey. I'm not in control. I'm not worried about it. I'm not stressing over it anymore. I simply feel like I'm just going through the steps God has laid out before us. God is in complete control as He been for the past two years. Please pray with us over the weekend for us to continue to feel this amazing sense of peace and comfort. We also pray we will have perfect little follies on Monday. Who knows. Maybe one (or two) of those follicles will hold part of our precious little miracle(s). 

I hope each of you have a blessed and wonderful Easter weekend! Sending hugs to each of you!