I do not even know how to start this post. I'm absolutely in awe of God's power!
On Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - the 3 year anniversary of the day my cousin Chris went to heaven- I went in for IUI #3. I felt it was a bittersweet day. When my nurse scheduled my IUI for April 23rd, I was a little worried. The day would already be filled with emotions and this would be our last chance at conceiving through IUI for a while. I was afraid if the cycle failed it would give me one more reason to grieve on the 23rd of April. On the other hand though, I felt a sense of peace that day. I felt like everything was completely out of my control and if it was meant to happen that day, then it would happen. I knew Chris always looked out for me when he was here on Earth. I had hopes on April 23rd he would be "pulling some strings" for me and watching out for me.
On Friday, May 9th I marched into the drugstore to pick up a big bottle of water and a bottle of Tylenol. I had felt yucky all week and my back was hurting a bit. I just didn't feel...umm.... right. My nurse had told me not to test until Monday, May 12th. I decided to go ahead and pick up a pack of pregnancy tests so I would be prepared. I had a work function that evening, but on my way home I decided "what the heck. I'll take a test tonight. It will probably be negative since it is 8:00 at night and I've drank 2 liters of water today". Trey was in the machine shop when I got home so I knew I wouldn't get caught testing early. I went to the back bathroom, did my thing, and sat the test on the counter. Before I could even get up, I glance over at the test. There were 2 lines. There were 2 DARK lines. I couldn't make words other than, "Oh Praise God! Praise Praise God!" I ran through the house like a crazy person. I had to tell Trey. I ran - well it was more of a light jog- to the machine shop. Trey was working on a piece of equipment. I told him, "Turn it off. I have to tell you something." I'm sure he could tell by the look on my face that something was wrong. He turned off the machine. I said, "You're going to be a Daddy! You're finally going to be a Daddy!" He smiled the biggest smile. It was the same smile he had on his face the day he proposed and the same smile I walked down the aisle to 2 years ago. We just held each other for what felt like forever in the machine shop that night as the tears fell. Our prayers had finally been answered. Our miracle was on his/ her way finally!
On Monday, May 12th I went in for my first beta. I have posted my beta results in a previous post. Of course I went in 48 hours later for my second and final beta. My sweet nurse, Ellen, had told me not to be surprised if I see more than one heartbeat at my ultrasound at 7 weeks. It turned out I wasn't able to get in during week 7 for an ultrasound due to it being the week of Memorial Day and my doctor being on vacation a few days that week.
On Monday, June 2nd - my mom's birthday- we went in for our first ultrasound at 7w5d. That seemed like the longest wait in the waiting room we have had in the 6 months we have been patients at NFC. Everytime the door opened, my heart stopped in anticipation for my name to be called. After about 15 minutes of waiting, my name was finally called. We were escorted to an ultrasound room. It was the same ultrasound room I was in on the day I was told my first cycle would be cancelled due to cysts. It was the same room I was in a month or so later when I was told I had 1 perfect, mature follicle and we could move forward with IUI #2 . Today, the visit was different though. Trey held my hand as the sonographer inserted the probe. Then we saw it. We saw our miracle. She said, "Oh it looks like we have two!" She did some more pushing and moving around of the probe to confirm. Then we heard it. Heartbeats. Plural. We saw and heard the most beautiful, perfect, miracles. Our babies. We saw our precious babies we have hoped, prayed, cried, and waited for. Seeing their little hearts flicker made every, single negative pregnancy test worth it. I would stick a million more needles in my abdomen for these little ones. Every tear, needle, test, disappointment, surgery, ultrasound, missed day at work, sleepless night, and setback were worth seeing these beautiful little gifts from God. Praise God!!
Looking back on our almost 2 year battle with infertility, it all seems so clear now. There were so many bumps in the road, detours, and changes of plans that had to take place just so we would make it to April 23, 2014 and our babies would be conceived. Three years ago, my heart was shattered on that day as my cousin went to heaven. Three years later, God sent me the most perfect miracles I've ever laid eyes on. It all had to happen the way it happened just so THESE babies would come into our lives right when they did. I could not think of any more perfect timing. On April 23rd God showed us yet again He is bigger than medicine and all of those doctors who had told me I would not carry another child in my womb. Those doctors were wrong! Our dreams came true on April 23rd. I am carrying 2 children in my womb as I type this. I'm carrying 2 of God's most precious miracles in the womb I was told numerous times would never hold another child. Praise God that I never gave up! Praise God that He is bigger than a doctor, diagnosis, and medicine! Praise God for turning what was a sad day in my life into one of the happiest days of my life. Praise God for every bump in the road that led us to where we are today. Thank you God for leading us to Dr. Williams at MMC who never gave up and fought just as hard as we did. Thank you God for leading us to Nashville Fertility Center. Thank you for the staff, the nurses, my NP Ellen, and my doctor. Thank you God for this journey...We are pregnant. We are pregnant with twins!
Our miracles are set to arrive early to mid December. We are over the moon excited to be the parents of twins! We are grateful for the journey that was laid out before us. Looking back, it is neat to see how God laid out each piece of the Baby Bell puzzle just so it could come together so perfectly. We are forever grateful and hope one day we can share with them the story of how God brought them to us. Most of all, we cannot wait to tell them about how God's love was shown to us through each and every one of the people who encouraged, supported, and prayed for us along our journey.
Yay times 2!! Gods timing is always perfect :) I am thrilled for you!!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome!! Love this story and am sooo happy for you!! Congrats!!! Much love and prayers your way for your twinks! :-)
ReplyDeleteGod is so faithful! So so so faithful! Love your testimony!!
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful, Kari! I am so excited that you have twin babies on the way. And in time for Christmas. What a wonderful present for you and your husband. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteLove that you are able to look back and see the way the path led to God's perfect plan for you. Congrats to you two! Yay!!
ReplyDeleteYay! Congrats! This is so exciting! I love how you not only gave God all the honor, glory and praise once...but all throughout your post. LOVED IT! xoxox
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for you to have a healthy and joyful pregnancy! hugs!
I just found your blog, and I wanted to tell you congrats! What an amazing testimony you have! I will be praying for you and your little ones!