
A Fresh Start for 2011?

New Year? New Kari? Maybe not.

Eh. This year I'm staying away from a new years resolution. I never stick to one anyway, so I might as well go ahead and save myself from the disappointment, right? I think so.  So what am I going to do in this New Year? Heck.  My divorce was final (thank God) on December 17th.  I'm finally Kari Neal again. *breathes sigh of relief as rubbing left ring finger*  Don't get me wrong. I'm not running around celebrating at all hours of the night and parading around announcing my newly discovered freedom from the bonds of marriage. I've taken time to cry, pout, be depressed...and eventually get over it. 

The first step was to realize this isn't the end of the world. So what? I'm 25 and have a 7 year old. If it is in God's plan for me to be single the rest of my life, I'm ok with that. If God's plan is to send someone into my life to sweep me off of my feet, I'm ok with that too.  I'm not going to dwell on which will actually happen. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy. 

In 2011 I'm going to continue doing what I was doing at the end of 2010. I'm going to be the happiest I've ever been. I'm going to text/ call friends and family almost daily.  I'm going to learn to embrace my time by myself and enjoy my time with Gavin.  So really there isn't going to be a new Kari in 2011.... there's just going to be a continuance of the Kari we all knew years ago... Happy Kari.

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