
Friday Fun

I'll make this short and sweet. 

We had our IUI 6 days ago. 

I woke up 10 minutes early this morning so I could take my Ovidrel injection out of the fridge to start "warming up" before my husband had to leave for work. So this morning at 5:45am my husband gave me one last more injection in the belly. I hope and pray with all of my being that our sweet little miracle is digging a nice little comfy spot in my womb today. We are not supposed to take a HPT until the 11th. That falls on a Friday. I'm not fully convinced I would be able to hold myself together at work all day if I see another BFN after everything we went through this cycle. I think we will wait and test on the 12th. That way we can both be together all day to cry or rejoice.  Maybe. We also plan to keep the results our little secret until after NFC has released us back to our OB/GYN. I'm not sure I will even tell people then though. I want to be 110% certain we have a little sticky bun in there who is along for the ride before I go around shouting "I'M PREGNANT" from the rooftops. Oh and believe me. There. will. be. shouting! 

So happy Friday to everyone! Cross your fingers and say your prayers for me these next few days. The next 2 weeks will be the longest ever. 

Until next time.... 


  1. Hope the next 2 weeks fly by and you get good news, Kari!

  2. I hope the next two weeks fly by supa fast!! Praying for you sugars!!


  3. Hope the 2ww goes fast for you!

  4. So you did your trigger shot after the iui? Huh that is different than we do, didn't know ot could be done that way! Hope it all works out for you and next Friday comes fast!! I'm waiting for next Friday too, thats my follow up appointment to make sure that I responded well to the FSH, hopefully iui will follow on Saturday. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!
