

10. Days.

This may quite possibly be my last blog as Kari Neal. Who Knows! I might get a free second next week and decide to blog one more time before I run down the aisle. Yes. I said run.

I have weddingitis. If you were ever a senior in college or high school, you may be able to relate to what I'm feeling right now. It is quite similar to senioritis. I feel like I put so much work and preparation into the first five months of wedding planning. Now that I'm at the end, I'm just throwing stuff in there to make it look good. It reminds me of a few papers or presentations I worked on my senior year of college. At the beginning of the semester, the professor would plant the seeds in our minds for us to begin thinking about our final papers. I would research, prepare, and organize up until the very last few weeks. I eventually reached a point where I felt like I had poured everything into my paper and it was time to just throw in some "fluff". Graduation was in sight. I was tired of preparing and organizing. I was just ready to turn in my paper and graduate. I. was. D-O-N-E. I am throwing in wedding "fluff" at this point. I'm tired or preparing and organizing. I'm tired of having to do lists. I'm just ready to walk down the aisle and be married. I'm officially OVER wedding planning.

Oh. Another Thing....

If you have the pleasure of following me on Twitter, you may know I made a huge, drastic decision a few weeks ago. We (Trey and I) decided it would be best for me to resign from my job. In hindsight, I have horrible timing. In my flowers, rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns view of the world, I never imagined I would get the reaction (or lack thereof) I did. Needless to say, I originally planned for June 8 to be my last day. My employer clearly had another plan. So..... Next Wednesday, as I'm losing my mind two days before my wedding, I will also be fighting back tears as I pack up my office of almost four years. This is good. I just need to get over the shock of it happening quicker than I had originally planned.

So here goes nothin'. In a week I will be ironing my Nationwide Insurance shirt for the last time as I try to mark last minute items off of my wedding to do list.  That Jamaican vacation sounds better and better every single day!

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